
Algantürk Law firm, a family company with three generations of lawyers, has its origins dating back to 1972. Managed by the founder, Av. Ayhan Alganturk, our legal firm's enduring sucess flows from its ability to respond with innovation and flexibility to the specific needs of our Clients, drawing on more than 50 years of experience in the academic and commercial realms.

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Articles & Case Law


Comité Maritime International (CMI)Working Group  on general average   was revised  the Rules and  prepared a framework that will meet the needs of the ship owners, cargo owners  and insurers.  The final text was  submitted to the CMI General Assembly which hold  on  6  May 2016  &n


Taşıma Sözleşmeleri / Fatura Emsal Karar

Yargıtay 11. HD., E. 2017/2835 K. 2019/482 T. 17.1.2019 T.C. Yargıtay Başkanlığı - 11. Hukuk Dairesi Esas No.: 2017/2835 Karar No.: 2019/482 Karar tarihi: 17.01.2019 FATURA - TAŞIMA SÖZLEŞMESİ MAHKEMESİ :TİCARET MAHKEMESİ   Taraflar arasında görülen davada ... 2. Asliye Ticaret Mahkemesi’nce verilen 09/02/

